The word brandigo is written in blue on a white background.
A black background with white lines on it

Brand Awareness Campaigns

China-specific Campaigns to Elevate Your Brand's Presence

Understand your Chinese customers and clients

In the competitive Chinese market, strong brand awareness is crucial for success. Our team of experts designs and executes strategic campaigns that cater to Chinese consumers' preferences, driving brand recognition and loyalty in China.

China target audience

Campaign Development

We create customized, multi-channel brand awareness campaigns tailored to the Chinese market, incorporating local trends and cultural insights. Our team combines innovative ideas, captivating visuals, and engaging messaging to ensure maximum impact among Chinese consumers.

  • Creative concept and marketing asset creation
  • Recommendation of channels, which could include KOL (influencers), media outreach, advertising, performance marketing
  • Transparent, goal-oriented marketing tactics
  • Deep expertise across major channels and understanding of Chinese consumers and target audiences

Our Approach

The Brandigo China Customer Value Methodology is based on three key factors:

  • Context - who is your target audience, what are they interested in, where do they hang out?
  • Content - what message and creative can we create that will break through the China clutter
  • Channels - what social media platforms or other channels are best suited for your budget and to meet the campaign objectives

China market research

Case Study

Building awareness of a US supplement ingredient brand in China

lifesDHA in China
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