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China Entry Marketing Strategy

Navigating the Chinese Market with Confidence

Don't waste time and money on the wrong marketing strategy and tactics

Breaking into the Chinese market can be a complex endeavor. With Brandigo's China Entry Marketing Strategy services, we help craft your position and messaging, and then identify the best channels to reach your target audience. 

Brand messaging

Chinese Brand Messaging

We create messaging that resonates with your Chinese target audience – our Chinese copywriters build on the research and knowledge of your brand and target audience to create messages that break through the clutter. We can test our draft messages with your target audience so that you can make an informed decision. 

  • Messaging in Chinese and English
  • Message testing

China Marketing Channels Selection

China offers a wide array of marketing channels, each with its unique audience and reach. Our team evaluates your target audience, budget, and objectives, recommending the most suitable channels, whether it’s WeChat, Weibo, or Douyin, a trade magazine, an event, or some other channel to maximize your reach and ROI in China. As we are channel-neutral, we are able to recommend the right channel, not just the one we are good at. 

  • Channels analysis and recommendation
  • Training on key channels best practices

China channels

Case Study

Launching an iconic Chicago beer... in China

Chicago Beer Goose Island in China
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